Tools for mapping the molecules and structure of the brain

Biological systems such as brain circuits are complex structures made out of nanoscale building blocks such as proteins, RNAs, DNA, lipids, sugars, and other biomolecules, which take a great many forms, and are often organized with nanoscale precision. This presents a fundamental tension in biology – to understand a biological system like a brain circuit, you might need to map a large diversity of nanoscale building blocks, with great precision, across 3D spatial expanses. We are developing a suite of tools that enable the mapping of the location and identity of the molecular building blocks of biological systems such as the brain, aiming to map out the architecture of such systems with enough precision to understand how the structures of biological systems lead to function and dysfunction. One of the technologies we are developing, expansion microscopy (ExM), enables specimens to be imaged with nanoscale precision on ordinary microscopes, by physically expanding preserved biological systems (in contrast to all previous microscopy technologies, that magnify images of specimens via lenses). We are working to improve expansion microscopy further, improving resolution and multiplexing capability, and are working, often in interdisciplinary collaborations, on a suite of new labeling and analysis techniques that exploit the biochemical freedom enabled by the expanded state. We are working, for example, on ways to perform in situ RNA and DNA sequencing in intact biological systems. We share all such tools as freely as possible, aiming to democratize multiplexed, nanoresolution imaging by making it as powerful and inexpensive as possible. We are also applying expansion microscopy to the scalable mapping of biological systems, such as brain circuits. Such brain circuit maps may be detailed enough someday to enable detailed computer simulations of brain functions, starting with small organisms such as C. elegans and zebrafish. Finally, we are extending and applying such tools to the early detection and understanding of complex diseases such as cancers and immune diseases, and to the analysis of aging.

TED Talk: Expansion Microscopy, 2016


Dense, Continuous Membrane Labeling and Expansion Microscopy Visualization of Ultrastructure in Tissues

bioRxiv | 2024

Tay Won Shin, Hao Wang*, Chi Zhang*, Bobae An, Yangning Lu, Elizabeth Zhang, Xiaotang Lu, Emmanouil D Karagiannis, Jeong Seuk Kang, Amauche Emenari, Panagiotis Symvoulidis, Shoh Asano, Leanne Lin, Emma K Costa; IMAXT Grand Challenge Consortium; Adam H Marblestone, Narayanan Kasthuri, Li-Huei Tsai, Edward S Boyden (2024) Dense, Continuous Membrane Labeling and Expansion Microscopy Visualization of Ultrastructure in Tissues, bioRxiv 2024.03.07.583776; doi: (*, equal contribution)

3D Domain Adaptive Instance Segmentation via Cyclic Segmentation GANs

IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics | 2023

Lauenburg L, Lin Z, Zhang R, Santos MD, Huang S, Arganda-Carreras I, Boyden ES, Pfister H, Wei D (2023) 3D Domain Adaptive Instance Segmentation via Cyclic Segmentation GANs, IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 27(8):4018-4027.

Revealing nanostructures in brain tissue via protein decrowding by iterative expansion microscopy

Nature Biomedical Engineering | 2022

Deblina Sarkar*, Jinyoung Kang*, Asmamaw T. Wassie*, Margaret E. Schroeder, Zhuyu Peng, Tyler B. Tarr, Ai-Hui Tang, Emily D. Niederst, Jennie Z. Young, Hanquan Su, Demian Park, Peng Yin, Li-Huei Tsai**, Thomas A. Blanpied** & Edward S. Boyden** (2022) Revealing nanostructures in brain tissue via protein decrowding by iterative expansion microscopy, Nature Biomedical Engineering 6:1057–1073. (*, contributed equally; **, co-corresponding)

Barcoded oligonucleotides ligated on RNA amplified for multiplexed and parallel in situ analyses

Nucleic Acids Research | 2021

Liu S, Punthambaker S, Iyer EPR, Ferrante T, Goodwin D, Fürth D, Pawlowski AC, Jindal K, Tam JM, Mifflin L, Alon S, Sinha A, Wassie AT, Chen F, Cheng A, Willocq V, Meyer K, Ling KH, Camplisson CK, Kohman RE, Aach J, Lee JH, Yankner BA, Boyden ES, Church GM (2021) Barcoded oligonucleotides ligated on RNA amplified for multiplexed and parallel in situ analyses, Nucleic Acids Research 49(10):e58.

Expansion Sequencing: Spatially Precise In Situ Transcriptomics in Intact Biological Systems

Science | 2021

Alon S*, Goodwin DR*, Sinha A*, Wassie AT*, Chen F*, Daugharthy ER**, Bando Y, Kajita A, Xue AG, Marrett K, Prior R, Cui Y, Payne AC, Yao CC, Suk HJ, Wang R, Yu CJ, Tillberg P, Reginato P, Pak N, Liu S, Punthambaker S, Iyer EPR, Kohman RE, Miller JA, Lein ES, Lako A, Cullen N, Rodig S, Helvie K, Abravanel DL, Wagle N, Johnson BE, Klughammer J, Slyper M, Waldman J, Jané-Valbuena J, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Regev A; IMAXT Consortium, Church GM***+, Marblestone AH***, Boyden ES***+ (2021) Expansion Sequencing: Spatially Precise In Situ Transcriptomics in Intact Biological Systems, Science 371(6528):eaax2656. (* equal contribution, ** key contributions to early stages of project, *** equal contribution, +co-corresponding authors)

Expansion microscopy of C. elegans

eLife | 2020

Yu CJ, Barry NC, Wassie AT, Sinha A, Bhattacharya A, Asano S, Zhang C, Chen F, Hobert O, Goodman MB, Haspel G, Boyden ES (2020) Expansion microscopy of C. elegans, eLife 9:e46249.

Expansion Microscopy of Lipid Membranes

bioRxiv | 2019

Emmanouil D. Karagiannis*, Jeong Seuk Kang*, Tay Won Shin, Amauche Emenari, Shoh Asano, Leanne Lin, Emma K. Costa, IMAXT Grand Challenge Consortium, Adam H. Marblestone, Narayanan Kasthuri, Edward S. Boyden (2019) Expansion Microscopy of Lipid Membranes, bioRxiv 829903. (*, equal contribution)

Cortical column and whole-brain imaging with molecular contrast and nanoscale resolution

Science | 2019

Ruixuan Gao*, Shoh M. Asano*, Srigokul Upadhyayula*, Igor Pisarev, Daniel E. Milkie, Tsung-Li Liu, Ved Singh, Austin Graves, Grace H. Huynh, Yongxin Zhao, John Bogovic, Jennifer Colonell, Carolyn M. Ott, Christopher Zugates, Susan Tappan, Alfredo Rodriguez, Kishore R. Mosaliganti, Shu-Hsien Sheu, H. Amalia Pasolli, Song Pang, C. Shan Xu, Sean G. Megason, Harald Hess, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Adam Hantman, Gerald M. Rubin, Tom Kirchhausen, Stephan Saalfeld, Yoshinori Aso, Edward S. Boyden**, Eric Betzig** (2019) Cortical column and whole-brain imaging with molecular contrast and nanoscale resolution, Science 363(6424):eaau8302. (*, equal contribution, **, co-corresponding)

Imaging cellular ultrastructures using expansion microscopy (U-ExM)

Nature Methods | 2018

Gambarotto D, Zwettler FU, Le Guennec M, Schmidt-Cernohorska M, Fortun D, Borgers S, Heine J, Schloetel JG, Reuss M, Unser M, Boyden ES, Sauer M, Hamel V, Guichard P (2019) Imaging cellular ultrastructures using expansion microscopy (U-ExM), Nature Methods 16(1):71-74.

New observations in neuroscience using superresolution microscopy

Journal of Neuroscience | 2018

Michihiro Igarashi, Motohiro Nozumi, Ling-Gang Wu, Francesca Cella Zanacchi, István Katona, László Barna, Pingyong Xu, Mingshu Zhang, Fudong Xue, Edward Boyden (2018) New observations in neuroscience using superresolution microscopy, Journal of Neuroscience 38 (44) 9459-9467.

Expansion Microscopy of Zebrafish for Neuroscience and Developmental Biology Studies

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2017

Freifeld L, Odstrcil I, Förster D, Ramirez A, Gagnon JA, Randlett O, Costa EK, Asano S, Celiker OT, Gao R, Martin-Alarcon DA, Reginato P, Dick C, Chen L, Schoppik D, Engert F, Baier H, Boyden ES (2017) Expansion microscopy of zebrafish for neuroscience and developmental biology studies, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(50):E10799-E10808.

Glyoxal as an alternative fixative to formaldehyde in immunostaining and super-resolution microscopy

The EMBO Journal | 2017

Richter KN, Revelo NH, Seitz KJ, Helm MS, Sarkar D, Saleeb RS, D'Este E, Eberle J, Wagner E, Vogl C, Lazaro DF, Richter F, Coy-Vergara J, Coceano G, Boyden ES, Duncan RR, Hell SW, Lauterbach MA, Lehnart SE, Moser T, Outeiro T, Rehling P, Schwappach B, Testa I, Zapiec B, Rizzoli SO (2017) Glyoxal as an alternative fixative to formaldehyde in immunostaining and super-resolution microscopy, The EMBO Journal 37(1):139-159.

Q&A: Expansion microscopy

BMC Biology | 2017

Gao R.*, Asano S.M.*, Boyden E.S. (2017) Q&A: Expansion microscopy, BMC Biology 15:50. (*, co-first authors)

Iterative expansion microscopy

Nature Methods | 2017

Chang, J.-B., Chen, F., Yoon, Y.-G., Jung, E. E., Babcock H., Kang J.-S., Asano S., Suk H.-J., Pak N., Tillberg P.W., Wassie A., Cai D., Boyden E.S. (2017) Iterative expansion microscopy, Nature Methods 14:593-599.

Nanoscale imaging of RNA with expansion microscopy

Nature Methods | 2016

Chen, F.*, Wassie, A.T.*, Cote, A.J., Sinha, A., Alon, S., Asano, S., Daugharthy, E.R., Chang, J.-B., Marblestone, A., Church, G.M., Raj, A., Boyden, E.S. (2016) Nanoscale Imaging of RNA with Expansion Microscopy, Nature Methods 13(8):679-84. (*, co-first authors)

Protein-retention expansion microscopy of cells and tissues labeled using standard fluorescent proteins and antibodies

Nature Biotechnology | 2016

Tillberg, P.W.*, Chen, F.*, Piatkevich, K.D., Zhao, Y., Yu, C.-C., English, B.P., Gao, L., Martorell, A., Suk, H.-J., Yoshida, F., DeGennaro, E.M., Roossien, D.H., Gong, G., Seneviratne, U., Tannenbaum, S.R., Desimone, R., Cai, D., Boyden, E.S. (2016) Protein-retention expansion microscopy of cells and tissues labeled using standard fluorescent proteins and antibodies, Nature Biotechnology 34:987-992. (*, co-first authors)

Automated scalable segmentation of neurons from multispectral images

Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems | 2016

Uygar Sümbül, Douglas Roossien, Dawen Cai, Fei Chen, Nicholas Barry, John P. Cunningham, Edward Boyden, Liam Paninski (2016) Automated scalable segmentation of neurons from multispectral images, Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29 (NIPS 2016).

Expansion Microscopy

Science | 2015

Chen, F.*, Tillberg, P.W.*, Boyden, E.S. (2015) Expansion Microscopy, Science 347(6221):543-548. (*, equal contribution)