Understanding, and simulating, the brain
We provide our brain mapping, control, and dynamical recording tools to the biology community, aiming to democratize the advanced analysis and repair of the brain and other biological systems. We also use these tools within our lab, to analyze how specific brain mechanisms (molecular, cellular, and circuit-level) give rise to behaviors and pathological states, or to the remedy thereof. One hope is to understand how the detailed molecular and circuit structures of brains give rise to brain circuit dynamics and signaling, which in turn yield complex emergent outputs such as behaviors; our work has touched upon topics including detailed patterns of synaptic activity, nonhuman primate cognition, emotional states, and decision making. These studies, often done in interdisciplinary collaborations, may yield fundamental insights into how best to go about treating brain disorders; our work has touched upon topics ranging from anesthesia to Alzheimer’s disease. To complement such studies, we develop accessory tools such as robots that can perform brain surgical techniques.
One key goal is to be able to acquire physiological, causal, wiring, and molecular datasets that are precise and comprehensive enough to enable biologically accurate computer simulations of entire brains, starting with small brains like the worm C. elegans and the larval zebrafish, and scaling to the mouse and human brain. We currently optimize and validate our toolsets on entire C. elegans and zebrafish brains, as well as on mouse and human brain circuitry, with the goal of understanding entire small brains and how their building blocks work together as an emergent whole, and to pave the way for scaling such approaches to the entire mouse and human brain. We also, in collaborative networks, apply deep learning, biophysical modeling, and other strategies to create increasingly complex and accurate computer simulations of brains.
These neuroscience goals motivate us to design and develop new tools, which we then deploy throughout the biology community. We also collaboratively apply our technologies to lots of other problems in biology and medicine, including in fields such as developmental biology, cancer, microbiology, virology, immunology, and aging.
Advice to the Next President
Nautilus | 2024Boyden, E.S. (2024) Section of “Advice to the Next President,” Nautilus, 9/27/2024.
Tools for Analyzing, Repairing, and Simulating the Brain
Workshop on Neurotechnology and its Societal and Ethical Implications, Pontifical Academy of Sciences | 2024Boyden, E.S. (2024) Tools for Analyzing, Repairing, and Simulating the Brain, Neurotechnology and its Societal and Ethical Implications, Workshop at Casina Pio IV, 13-14 December 2023, Pontifical Academy of Sciences, submitted.
The neuron mixer and its impact on human brain dynamics
Cell Reports | 2024Luff CE, Peach R, Mallas EJ, Rhodes E, Laumann F, Boyden ES, Sharp DJ, Barahona M, Grossman N (2024) The neuron mixer and its impact on human brain dynamics, Cell Reports 43(6):114274
Post-transcriptional splicing can occur in a slow-moving zone around the gene
eLife | 2024Coté A, O'Farrell A, Dardani I, Dunagin M, Coté C, Wan Y, Bayatpour S, Drexler HL, Alexander KA, Chen F, Wassie AT, Patel R, Pham K, Boyden ES, Berger S, Phillips-Cremins J, Churchman LS, Raj A (2024) Post-transcriptional splicing can occur in a slow-moving zone around the gene, eLife 12:RP91357.
Scaling Properties for Artificial Neural Network Models of a Small Nervous System
bioRxiv | 2024Quilee Simeon, Leandro Venâncio, Michael A. Skuhersky, Aran Nayebi, Edward S. Boyden, Guangyu Robert Yang (2024) Scaling Properties for Artificial Neural Network Models of a Small Nervous System, bioRxiv 2024.02.13.580186; doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2024.02.13.580186
A marmoset brain cell census reveals regional specialization of cellular identities
Science Advances | 2023Krienen FM, Levandowski KM, Zaniewski H, Del Rosario RCH, Schroeder ME, Goldman M, Wienisch M, Lutservitz A, Beja-Glasser VF, Chen C, Zhang Q, Chan KY, Li KX, Sharma J, McCormack D, Shin TW, Harrahill A, Nyase E, Mudhar G, Mauermann A, Wysoker A, Nemesh J, Kashin S, Vergara J, Chelini G, Dimidschstein J, Berretta S, Deverman BE, Boyden E, McCarroll SA, Feng G (2023) A marmoset brain cell census reveals regional specialization of cellular identities, Science Advances 9(41):eadk3986.
Cell-type specific defects in PTEN-mutant cortical organoids converge on abnormal circuit activity
Human Molecular Genetics | 2023Pigoni M, Uzquiano A, Paulsen B, Kedaigle AJ, Yang SM, Symvoulidis P, Adiconis X, Velasco S, Sartore R, Kim K, Tucewicz A, Tropp SY, Tsafou K, Jin X, Barrett L, Chen F, Boyden ES, Regev A, Levin JZ, Arlotta P (2023) Cell-type specific defects in PTEN-mutant cortical organoids converge on abnormal circuit activity, Human Molecular Genetics 32(18):2773-2786.
Theta and gamma rhythmic coding through two spike output modes in the hippocampus during spatial navigation
Cell Reports | 2023Lowet E, Sheehan DJ, Chialva U, De Oliveira Pena R, Mount RA, Xiao S, Zhou SL, Tseng HA, Gritton H, Shroff S, Kondabolu K, Cheung C, Wang Y, Piatkevich KD, Boyden ES, Mertz J, Hasselmo ME, Rotstein HG, Han X (2023) Theta and gamma rhythmic coding through two spike output modes in the hippocampus during spatial navigation, Cell Reports 42(8):112906.
Dynamic Changes in Heparan Sulfate Nanostructure in Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation
ACS Nano | 2023Al Mahbuba D, Masuko S, Wang S, Syangtan D, Kang JS, Song Y, Shin TW, Xia K, Zhang F, Linhardt RJ, Boyden ES, Kiessling LL (2023) Dynamic Changes in Heparan Sulfate Nanostructure in Human Pluripotent Stem Cell Differentiation, ACS Nano 17(8):7207-7218.
Rapid reconstruction of neural circuits using tissue expansion and light sheet microscopy
Elife | 2022Lillvis JL, Otsuna H, Ding X, Pisarev I, Kawase T, Colonell J, Rokicki K, Goina C, Gao R, Hu A, Wang K, Bogovic J, Milkie DE, Meienberg L, Mensh BD, Boyden ES, Saalfeld S, Tillberg PW, Dickson BJ (2022) Rapid reconstruction of neural circuits using tissue expansion and light sheet microscopy, Elife 11:e81248.
Neuronal activity drives pathway-specific depolarization of peripheral astrocyte processes
Nature Neuroscience | 2022Armbruster M, Naskar S, Garcia JP, Sommer M, Kim E, Adam Y, Haydon PG, Boyden ES, Cohen AE, Dulla CG (2022) Neuronal activity drives pathway-specific depolarization of peripheral astrocyte processes, Nature Neuroscience 25(5):607-616.
Autism genes converge on asynchronous development of shared neuron classes
Nature | 2022Paulsen B, Velasco S, Kedaigle AJ, Pigoni M, Quadrato G, Deo AJ, Adiconis X, Uzquiano A, Sartore R, Yang SM, Simmons SK, Symvoulidis P, Kim K, Tsafou K, Podury A, Abbate C, Tucewicz A, Smith SN, Albanese A, Barrett L, Sanjana NE, Shi X, Chung K, Lage K, Boyden ES, Regev A, Levin JZ, Arlotta P (2022) Autism genes converge on asynchronous development of shared neuron classes, Nature 602(7896):268-273.
Inhibition of LRRK2 kinase activity promotes anterograde axonal transport and presynaptic targeting of α-synuclein
Acta Neuropathologica Communications | 2021Brzozowski CF, Hijaz BA, Singh V, Gcwensa NZ, Kelly K, Boyden ES, West AB, Sarkar D, Volpicelli-Daley LA (2021) Inhibition of LRRK2 kinase activity promotes anterograde axonal transport and presynaptic targeting of α-synuclein, Acta Neuropathologica Communications 9(1):180.
All-Optical Electrophysiology Reveals the Role of Lateral Inhibition in Sensory Processing in Cortical Layer 1
Cell | 2020Fan LZ, Kheifets S, Böhm UL, Wu H, Piatkevich KD, Xie ME, Parot V, Ha Y, Evans KE, Boyden ES, Takesian AE, Cohen AE (2020) All-Optical Electrophysiology Reveals the Role of Lateral Inhibition in Sensory Processing in Cortical Layer 1, Cell 180(3):521-535.
Voices in methods development
Nature Methods | 2019Anikeeva P, Boyden E, Brangwynne C, Cissé II, Fiehn O, Fromme P, Gingras AC, Greene CS, Heard E, Hell SW, Hillman E, Jensen GJ, Karchin R, Kiessling LL, Kleinstiver BP, Knight R, Kukura P, Lancaster MA, Loman N, Looger L, Lundberg E, Luo Q, Miyawaki A, Myers EW Jr, Nolan GP, Picotti P, Reik W, Sauer M, Shalek AK, Shendure J, Slavov N, Tanay A, Troyanskaya O, van Valen D, Wang HW, Yi C, Yin P, Zernicka-Goetz M, Zhuang X (2019) Voices in methods development, Nature Methods 16(10):945-951.
Silencing cortical activity during sound-localization training impairs auditory perceptual learning
Nature Communications | 2019Bajo VM, Nodal FR, Korn C, Constantinescu AO, Mann EO, Boyden ES, King AJ (2019) Silencing cortical activity during sound-localization training impairs auditory perceptual learning, Nature Communications 10(1):3075.
Architecting Discovery: A Model for How Engineers Can Help Invent Tools for Neuroscience
Neuron | 2019Boyden ES, Marblestone AH (2019) Architecting Discovery: A Model for How Engineers Can Help Invent Tools for Neuroscience, Neuron 102(3):523-525.
Oxytocin-dependent reopening of a social reward learning critical period with MDMA
Nature | 2019Nardou R, Lewis EM, Rothhaas R, Xu R, Yang A, Boyden E, Dölen G (2019) Oxytocin-dependent reopening of a social reward learning critical period with MDMA, Nature 569(7754):116-120.
Optogenetic induction of the schizophrenia-related endophenotype of ventral hippocampal hyperactivity causes rodent correlates of positive and cognitive symptoms
Scientific Reports | 2018Wolff AR, Bygrave AM, Sanderson DJ, Boyden ES, Bannerman DM, Kullmann DM, Kätzel D (2018) Optogenetic induction of the schizophrenia-related endophenotype of ventral hippocampal hyperactivity causes rodent correlates of positive and cognitive symptoms, Scientific Reports 8(1):12871.
Automated Assessment of Loss of Consciousness Using Whisker And Paw Movements During Anesthetic Dosing in Head-Fixed Rodents
Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc | 2018An J, Flores FJ, Kodandaramaiah SB, Betta ID, Nikolaeva K, Boyden ES, Forest CR, Brown EN (2018) Automated Assessment of Loss of Consciousness Using Whisker And Paw Movements During Anesthetic Dosing in Head-Fixed Rodents, Conf Proc IEEE Eng Med Biol Soc 730-733.
Optogenetic Tractography for anatomo-functional characterization of cortico-subcortical neural circuits in non-human primates
Scientific Reports | 2018Senova S, Poupon C, Dauguet J, Stewart HJ, Dugué GP, Jan C, Hosomi K, Ralph GS, Barnes L, Drouot X, Pouzat C, Mangin JF, Pain F, Doignon I, Aron-Badin R, Brouillet E, Boyden ES, Mitrophanous KA, Hantraye P, Palfi S (2018) Optogenetic Tractography for anatomo-functional characterization of cortico-subcortical neural circuits in non-human primates, Scientific Reports 8(1):3362.
Evidence for long-timescale patterns of synaptic inputs in CA1 of awake behaving mice
Journal of Neuroscience | 2017Kolb I*, Franzesi GT*, Wang M, Kodandaramaiah SB, Forest CR, Boyden ES+, Singer AC+ (2017) Evidence for long-timescale patterns of synaptic inputs in CA1 of awake behaving mice, Journal of Neuroscience 38(7):1821-1834. (*, co-first authors; +, co-corresponding authors)
Mesoscale-duration activated states gate spiking in response to fast rises in membrane voltage in the awake brain
Journal of Neurophysiology | 2017Annabelle C. Singer*, Giovanni Talei Franzesi*, Suhasa B. Kodandaramaiah, Francisco J. Flores, Jeremy D. Cohen, Albert K. Lee, Christoph Borgers, Craig R. Forest, Nancy J. Kopell, Edward S. Boyden (2017) Mesoscale-duration activated states gate spiking in response to fast rises in membrane voltage in the awake brain, Journal of Neurophysiology 118(2):1270-1291.
Cell diversity and network dynamics in photosensitive human brain organoids
Nature | 2017Quadrato G, Nguyen T, Macosko EZ, Sherwood JL, Min Yang S, Berger DR, Maria N, Scholvin J, Goldman M, Kinney JP, Boyden ES, Lichtman JW, Williams ZM, McCarroll SA, Arlotta P (2017) Cell diversity and network dynamics in photosensitive human brain organoids, Nature 545(7652):48-53.
Influenza virus exploits tunneling nanotubes for cell-to-cell spread
Scientific Reports | 2017Kumar A, Kim JH, Ranjan P, Metcalfe MG, Cao W, Mishina M, Gangappa S, Guo Z, Boyden ES, Zaki S, York I, García-Sastre A, Shaw M, Sambhara S (2017) Influenza virus exploits tunneling nanotubes for cell-to- cell spread, Scientific Reports 7:40360.
Young adult born neurons enhance hippocampal dependent performance via influences on bilateral networks
eLIFE | 2016Zhuo JM, Tseng HA, Desai M, Bucklin ME, Mohammed AI, Robinson NT, Boyden ES, Rangel LM, Jasanoff AP, Gritton HJ, Han X (2016) Young adult born neurons enhance hippocampal dependent performance via influences on bilateral networks, eLIFE 5:e22429.
Optogenetic activation of dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area induces reanimation from general anesthesia
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2016Taylor NE, Van Dort CJ, Kenny JD, Pei J, Guidera JA, Vlasov KY, Lee JT, Boyden ES, Brown EN, Solt K (2016) Optogenetic activation of dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area induces reanimation from general anesthesia, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(45):12826-12831.
FEF inactivation with improved optogenetic methods
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2016Acker L, Pino EN, Boyden ES, Desimone R (2016) FEF inactivation with improved optogenetic methods, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113(46):E7297-E7306.
Striosome–dendron bouquets highlight a unique striatonigral circuit targeting dopamine-containing neurons
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2016Crittenden JR, Tillberg PW, Riad MH, Shima Y, Gerfen CR, Curry J, Housman DE, Nelson SB, Boyden ES, Graybiel AM (2016) Striosome-dendron bouquets highlight a unique striatonigral circuit targeting dopamine-containing neurons, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(40):11318–11323.
Dopamine Neuron-Specific Optogenetic Stimulation in Rhesus Macaques
Cell | 2016Stauffer WR, Lak A, Yang A, Borel M, Paulsen O, Boyden ES, Schultz W (2016) Dopamine Neuron-Specific Optogenetic Stimulation in Rhesus Macaques, Cell 166(6):1564-1571
Transient optogenetic inactivation of the medial entorhinal cortex biases the active population of hippocampal neurons
Hippocampus | 2015Rueckemann JW, DiMauro AJ, Rangel LM, Han X, Boyden ES, Eichenbaum H (2015) Transient optogenetic inactivation of the medial entorhinal cortex biases the active population of hippocampal neurons, Hippocampus 26(2):246–260.
Stress Enables Reinforcement-Elicited Serotonergic Consolidation of Fear Memory
Biological Psychiatry | 2015Baratta MV, Kodandaramaiah SB, Monahan PE, Yao J, Weber MD, Lin PA, Gisabella B, Petrossian N, Amat J, Kim K, Yang A, Forest CR, Boyden ES, Goosens KA (2015) Stress Enables Reinforcement-Elicited Serotonergic Consolidation of Fear Memory, Biological Psychiatry 79(10):814-22.
Inhibiting the Activity of CA1 Hippocampal Neurons Prevents the Recall of Contextual Fear Memory in Inducible ArchT Transgenic Mice
PLoS One | 2015Sakaguchi M, Kim K, Yu LM, Hashikawa Y, Sekine Y, Okumura Y, Kawano M, Hayashi M, Kumar D, Boyden ES, McHugh TJ, Hayashi Y (2015) Inhibiting the Activity of CA1 Hippocampal Neurons Prevents the Recall of Contextual Fear Memory in Inducible ArchT Transgenic Mice, PLoS One 10(6):e0130163.
Optogenetic and pharmacological suppression of spatial clusters of face neurons reveal their causal role in face gender discrimination
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2015Afraz, A., Boyden, E. S., DiCarlo, J. J. (2015) Optogenetic and pharmacological suppression of spatial clusters of face neurons reveal their causal role in face gender discrimination, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 112(21):6730-5.
Hearing the light: neural and perceptual encoding of optogenetic stimulation in the central auditory pathway
Scientific Reports | 2015Guo W, Hight AE, Chen JX, Klapoetke NC, Hancock KE, Shinn-Cunningham BG, Boyden ES, Lee DJ, Polley DB (2015) Hearing the light: neural and perceptual encoding of optogenetic stimulation in the central auditory pathway, Scientific Reports 5:10319.
Principles of designing interpretable optogenetic behavior experiments
Learning and Memory | 2015Allen, B.D.*, Singer, A.C.*, Boyden, E.S. (2015) Principles of designing interpretable optogenetic behavior experiments, Learning and Memory 22:232-238. (*, equal contribution)
Optogenetic activation of intracellular adenosine A2A receptor signaling in the hippocampus is sufficient to trigger CREB phosphorylation and impair memory
Molecular Psychiatry | 2015Li P, Rial D, Canas PM, Yoo JH, Li W, Zhou X, Wang Y, van Westen GJ, Payen MP, Augusto E, Gonçalves N, Tomé AR, Li Z, Wu Z, Hou X, Zhou Y, PIJzerman A, Boyden ES, Cunha RA, Qu J, Chen JF (2015) Optogenetic activation of intracellular adenosine A2A receptor signaling in the hippocampus is sufficient to trigger CREB phosphorylation and impair memory, Molecular Psychiatry 20:1339–1349.
Hebbian and neuromodulatory mechanisms interact to trigger associative memory formation
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2014Johansen J.P., Diaz-Mataix L., Hamanaka H., Ozawa T., Ycu E., Koivumaa J., Kumar A., Hou M., Deisseroth K., Boyden E.S., LeDoux J.E. (2014) Hebbian and neuromodulatory mechanisms interact to trigger associative memory formation, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 111(51):E5584–E5592.
Optogenetic stimulation of the cochlear nucleus using channelrhodopsin-2 evokes activity in the central auditory pathway
Brain Research | 2014Darrow KN, Slama MC, Kozin E, Owoc M, Hancock K, Kempfle J, Edge A, Lacour S, Boyden E, Polley D, Brown MC, Lee DJ (2014) Optogenetic stimulation of the cochlear nucleus using channelrhodopsin-2 evokes activity in the central auditory pathway, Brain Research 1599:44-56.
Fast-conducting mechanoreceptors contribute to withdrawal behavior in normal and nerve injured rats
Pain | 2014Danilo Boada M., Martin T.J., Peters C.M., Hayashida K., Harris M.H., Houle T.T., Boyden E.S., Eisenach J.C., Ririe D.G. (2014) Fast Conducting Mechanoreceptors Contribute to Withdrawal Behavior in Normal and Nerve Injured Rats, Pain 155(12):2646-2655.
Designing Tools for Assumption-Proof Brain Mapping
Neuron | 2014Marblestone, A.H., Boyden, E.S. (2014) Designing Tools for Assumption-Proof Brain Mapping, Neuron 83(6):1239-1241.
Independent control of gamma and theta activity by distinct interneuron networks in the olfactory bulb
Nature Neuroscience | 2014Fukunaga I., Herb J.T., Kollo M., Boyden E.S., Schaefer A.T. (2014) Independent control of gamma and theta activity by distinct interneuron networks in the olfactory bulb, Nature Neuroscience 17(9):1208-16.
Optogenetic astrocyte activation modulates response selectivity of visual cortex neurons in vivo
Nature Communications | 2014Perea, G., Yang, A., Boyden, E. S., Sur, M. (2014) Optogenetic astrocyte activation modulates response selectivity of visual cortex neurons in vivo, Nature Communications 5:3262.
Long-lasting silencing of orexin/hypocretin neurons using archaerhodopsin induces slow-wave sleep in mice
Behavioural Brain Research | 2013Tsunematsu T., Tabuchi S., Tanaka K.F., Boyden E.S., Tominaga M., Yamanaka A. (2013) Long-lasting silencing of orexin/hypocretin neurons using archaerhodopsin induces slow-wave sleep in mice, Behavioural Brain Research, 255:64-74.
Optogenetic drive of neocortical pyramidal neurons generates fMRI signals that are correlated with spiking activity
Brain Research | 2013Kahn, I., Knoblich, U., Desai, M., Bernstein, J., Graybiel, A.M., Boyden, E.S., Buckner, R.L., Moore C.I. (2013) Optogenetic drive of neocortical pyramidal neurons generates fMRI signals that are correlated with spiking activity, Brain Research, 1511:33-45.
Optogenetic Inactivation Modifies Monkey Visuomotor Behavior
Neuron | 2012Cavanaugh, J., Monosov, I. E., McAlonan, K., Berman, R. A., Smith, M. K., Cao, V., Wang, K. H., Boyden, E. S., Wurtz, R. H. (2012) Optogenetic Inactivation Modifies Monkey Visuomotor Behavior, Neuron 76:901–907.
Simple precision creation of digitally specified, spatially heterogeneous, engineered tissue architectures
Advanced Materials | 2012Gurkan, U. A., Fan, Y., Xu, F., Erkmen, B., Urkac, E. S., Parlakgul, G., Bernstein, J., Xing, W.*, Boyden, E. S.*, Demirci, U.* (2013) Simple precision creation of digitally specified, spatially heterogeneous, engineered tissue architectures, Advanced Materials 25(8):1192-1198. (* co-corresponding authors)
Interview with Edward S. Boyden
Trends in Neurosciences | 2012Boyden, E. S. (2013) Interview with Edward S. Boyden, Trends in Neurosciences 36(1):1-2.
Activation of specific interneurons improves V1 feature selectivity and visual perception
Nature | 2012Lee, S.-H., Kwan, A. C., Zhang, S., Phoumthipphavong, V., Flannery, J. G., Masmanidis, S. C., Taniguchi, H., Huang, Z. J., Zhang, F., Boyden, E. S., Deisseroth, K., Dan, Y. (2012) Activation of specific interneurons improves V1 feature selectivity and visual perception, Nature 488(7411):379-8.
Optogenetically Induced Behavioral and Functional Network Changes in Primates
Current Biology | 2012Gerits, A., Farivar, R., Rosen, B. R., Wald, L. L., Boyden, E. S., Vanduffel, W. (2012) Optogenetically Induced Behavioral and Functional Network Changes in Primates, Current Biology 22(18):1722-6.
Optogenetic mimicry of the transient activation of dopamine neurons by natural reward is sufficient for operant reinforcement
PLoS One | 2012Kim K.M., Baratta M.V., Yang A., Lee D., Boyden E.S.*, Fiorillo C.D.* (2012) Optogenetic mimicry of the transient activation of dopamine neurons by natural reward is sufficient for operant reinforcement, PLoS One 7(4):e33612. (* co-corresponding authors)
Minimal Size of Cell Assemblies Coordinated by Gamma Oscillations
PLoS Computational Biology | 2012Börgers C., Talei Franzesi G., LeBeau F. E. N. , Boyden E. S., Kopell N.J. (2012) Minimal Size of Cell Assemblies Coordinated by Gamma Oscillations, PLoS Computational Biology 8(2):e1002362.
Characterization of the Functional MRI Response Temporal Linearity via Optical Control of Neocortical Pyramidal Neurons
Journal of Neuroscience | 2011Kahn, I. * Desai, M., Knoblich, U., Bernstein, J., Henninger, M., Graybiel, A. M., Boyden, E. S.*, Buckner, R. L. *, Moore, C. I. * (2011) Characterization of the Functional MRI Response Temporal Linearity via Optical Control of Neocortical Pyramidal Neurons, Journal of Neuroscience 31(42):15086-15091. (* co-corresponding authors)
Towards Optogenetic Sensory Replacement
Conference Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society | 2011Doroudchi, M. M., Greenberg, K. P., Zorzos, A. N., Hauswirth, W. W., Fonstad, C. G., Horsager, A., Boyden, E. S. (2011) Towards Optogenetic Sensory Replacement, Conference Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society 2011:3139-41.
Acute optogenetic silencing of orexin/hypocretin neurons induces slow wave sleep in mice
Journal of Neuroscience | 2011Tsunematsu, T., Kilduff, T., Boyden, E. S., Takahashi, S., Tominaga, M., Yamanaka, A. (2011) Acute optogenetic silencing of orexin/hypocretin neurons induces slow wave sleep in mice, Journal of Neuroscience 31(29): 10529-10539.
Striatal origin of the pathologic beta oscillations in Parkinson's disease
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2011McCarthy, M. M., Moore-Kochlacs, C., Xuan Gu, T., Boyden, E. S., Han, X., Kopell, N. J. (2011) Striatal origin of the pathologic beta oscillations in Parkinson’s disease, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 108(28):11620-5.
New Techniques for Investigating Brain Rhythms: Optical Neural Control and Multielectrode Recording
Society for Neuroscience | 2009Boyden, E. S., Han, X., Talei Franzesi, G., Chan, S., Bernstein, J., Qian, X., Li, M. (2009) "New Techniques for Investigating Brain Rhythms: Optical Neural Control and Multielectrode Recording," In: Rhythms of the Neocortex: Where Do They Come From and What Are They Good For? (Kopell N., ed.) pp. 65-75. Washington, DC: Society for Neuroscience.
Millisecond-Timescale Optical Control of Neural Dynamics in the Nonhuman Primate Brain
Neuron | 2009Han, X.*, Qian, X., Bernstein, J.G., Zhou, H.-H., Talei Franzesi, G., Stern, P., Bronson, R.T., Graybiel, A.M., Desimone, R., and Boyden, E.S.* (2009) Millisecond-Timescale Optical Control of Neural Dynamics in the Nonhuman Primate Brain, Neuron 62(2):191-198. (* co-corresponding authors)
Anti-Ca2+ channel antibody attenuates Ca2+ currents and mimics cerebellar ataxia in vivo
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2008Liao, Y. J., Safa, P., Chen, Y.-R., Sobel, R. A., Boyden, E. S., Tsien, R. W. (2008) Anti-Ca2+ channel antibody attenuates Ca2+ currents and mimics cerebellar ataxia in vivo, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 105(7):2705-2710.
Prosthetic systems for therapeutic optical activation and silencing of genetically-targeted neurons
Proc Soc Photo Opt Instrum Eng | 2008Bernstein, J. G., Han, X., Henninger, M. A., Ko, E. Y., Qian, X., Franzesi, G. T., McConnell, J. P., Stern, P., Desimone, R., and Boyden, E. S. (2008) Prosthetic systems for therapeutic optical activation and silencing of genetically-targeted neurons, Proc Soc Photo Opt Instrum Eng 6854:68540H.
High-speed mapping of synaptic connectivity using photostimulation in channelrhodopsin-2 transgenic mice
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2007Wang, H., Peca, J., Matsusaki, M., Matsusaki, K., Noguchi, J., Qiu, L., Wang, D., Zhang, F., Boyden, E. S., Deisseroth, K., Kasai, H., Hall, W. C., Feng, G., Augustine, G. J. (2007) High-speed mapping of synaptic connectivity using photostimulation in channelrhodopsin-2 transgenic mice, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104(19):8143-848.