The EMBO Journal |
Richter KN, Revelo NH, Seitz KJ, Helm MS, Sarkar D, Saleeb RS, D'Este E, Eberle J, Wagner E, Vogl C, Lazaro DF, Richter F, Coy-Vergara J, Coceano G, Boyden ES, Duncan RR, Hell SW, Lauterbach MA, Lehnart SE, Moser T, Outeiro T, Rehling P, Schwappach B, Testa I, Zapiec B, Rizzoli SO (2017) Glyoxal as an alternative fixative to formaldehyde in immunostaining and super-resolution microscopy, The EMBO Journal 37(1):139-159.
Nature Neuroscience |
Or A. Shemesh*, Dimitrii Tanese*, Valeria Zampini*, Changyang Linghu, Kiryl Piatkevich, Emiliano Ronzitti, Eirini Papagiakoumou, Edward S. Boyden+ and Valentina Emiliani+ (2017) Temporally precise single-cell resolution optogenetics, Nature Neuroscience 20:1796–1806. (*, co-first authors; +, co-corresponding authors)
Journal of Neuroscience |
Ronzitti E, Conti R, Zampini V, Tanese D, Foust AJ, Klapoetke N, Boyden ES, Papagiakoumou E, Emiliani V (2017) Sub-millisecond optogenetic control of neuronal firing with two-photon holographic photoactivation of Chronos, Journal of Neuroscience 37(44):10679-10689.
Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience |
Yoon YG, Dai P, Wohlwend J, Chang JB, Marblestone AH, Boyden ES (2017) Feasibility of 3D Reconstruction of Neural Morphology Using Expansion Microscopy and Barcode-Guided Agglomeration, Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 11:97.
Journal of Visualized Experiments |
Acker LC, Pino EN, Boyden ES, Desimone R (2017) Large Volume, Behaviorally-relevant Illumination for Optogenetics in Non-human Primates, Journal of Visualized Experiments 128:e56330.
Nano Letters |
Wang Y, Woehrstein JB, Donoghue N, Dai M, Avendaño MS, Schackmann RCJ, Zoeller JJ, Wang SSH, Tillberg PW, Park D, Lapan SW, Boyden ES, Brugge JS, Kaeser PS, Church GM, Agasti SS, Jungmann R, Yin P (2017) Rapid Sequential in Situ Multiplexing with DNA Exchange Imaging in Neuronal Cells and Tissues, Nano Letters 17(10):6131-6139.
PLoS One |
Barykina NV, Subach OM, Piatkevich KD, Jung EE, Malyshev AY, Smirnov IV, Bogorodskiy AO, Borshchevskiy VI, Varizhuk AM, Pozmogova GE, Boyden ES, Anokhin KV, Enikolopov GN, Subach FV (2017) Green fluorescent genetically encoded calcium indicator based on calmodulin/M13-peptide from fungi, PLoS One 12(8):e0183757.
Neuron |
Ho-Jun Suk, Ingrid van Welie, Suhasa B. Kodandaramaiah, Brian Allen, Craig R. Forest, Edward S. Boyden (2017) Closed-Loop Real-Time Imaging Enables Fully Automated Cell-Targeted Patch-Clamp Neural Recording In Vivo, Neuron 95(5):1037-1047.
Nature Biotechnology |
Zhao Y*, Bucur O*, Irshad H, Chen F, Weins A, Stancu AL, Oh EY, DiStasio M, Torous V, Glass B, Stillman IE, Schnitt SJ, Beck AH**, Boyden ES** (2017) Nanoscale imaging of clinical specimens using pathology-optimized expansion microscopy, Nature Biotechnology 35(8):757-764. (*, co-first authors; **, co-corresponding authors)
Optics Express |
Shaun Berry, Shawn Redmond, Paul Robinson, Todd Thorsen, Mordechai Rothschild, and Edward S. Boyden (2017) Fluidic microoptics with adjustable focusing and beam steering for single cell optogenetics, Optics Express 25(14):16825-16839.