Shoh Asano

Shoh, while a postdoctoral associate in the Synthetic Neurobiology group of Prof. Ed Boyden at MIT Media Lab, worked on expansion microscopy extensions and application.s Before this appointment, he did his Masters and graduate studies of Biophysics at the Molecular Structural Biology group of Prof. Wolfgang Baumeister in the Max-Planck Institute of Biochemistry. During that time, Shoh studied the ultrastructure inside synapses and neurons by means of electron cryo-tomography. After completing his work in the Boyden lab, he moved on to a senior scientist position at Pfizer.


Dense, continuous membrane labeling and expansion microscopy visualization of ultrastructure in tissues

Nature Communications | 2025

Shin TW, Wang H*, Zhang C*, An B, Lu Y, Zhang E, Lu X, Karagiannis ED, Kang JS, Emenari A, Symvoulidis P, Asano S, Lin L, Costa EK; IMAXT Grand Challenge Consortium; Marblestone AH, Kasthuri N, Tsai LH, Boyden ES (2025) Dense, continuous membrane labeling and expansion microscopy visualization of ultrastructure in tissues, Nature Communications 16(1):1579. (*, contributed equally)

Precision Calcium Imaging of Dense Neural Populations via a Cell-Body-Targeted Calcium Indicator

Neuron | 2020

Shemesh OA*, Linghu C*, Piatkevich KD*, Goodwin D, Celiker OT, Gritton HJ, Romano MF, Gao R, Yu CJ, Tseng HA, Bensussen S, Narayan S, Yang CT, Freifeld L, Siciliano CA, Gupta I, Wang J, Pak N, Yoon YG, Ullmann JFP, Guner-Ataman B, Noamany H, Sheinkopf ZR, Park WM, Asano S, Keating AE, Trimmer JS, Reimer J, Tolias AS, Bear MF, Tye KM, Han X, Ahrens MB, Boyden ES (2020) Precision Calcium Imaging of Dense Neural Populations via a Cell-Body-Targeted Calcium Indicator, Neuron 107(3):470-486. (*, equal contribution)

Expansion microscopy of C. elegans

eLife | 2020

Yu CJ, Barry NC, Wassie AT, Sinha A, Bhattacharya A, Asano S, Zhang C, Chen F, Hobert O, Goodman MB, Haspel G, Boyden ES (2020) Expansion microscopy of C. elegans, eLife 9:e46249.

Expansion Microscopy of Lipid Membranes

bioRxiv | 2019

Emmanouil D. Karagiannis*, Jeong Seuk Kang*, Tay Won Shin, Amauche Emenari, Shoh Asano, Leanne Lin, Emma K. Costa, IMAXT Grand Challenge Consortium, Adam H. Marblestone, Narayanan Kasthuri, Edward S. Boyden (2019) Expansion Microscopy of Lipid Membranes, bioRxiv 829903. (*, equal contribution)

Cortical column and whole-brain imaging with molecular contrast and nanoscale resolution

Science | 2019

Ruixuan Gao*, Shoh M. Asano*, Srigokul Upadhyayula*, Igor Pisarev, Daniel E. Milkie, Tsung-Li Liu, Ved Singh, Austin Graves, Grace H. Huynh, Yongxin Zhao, John Bogovic, Jennifer Colonell, Carolyn M. Ott, Christopher Zugates, Susan Tappan, Alfredo Rodriguez, Kishore R. Mosaliganti, Shu-Hsien Sheu, H. Amalia Pasolli, Song Pang, C. Shan Xu, Sean G. Megason, Harald Hess, Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz, Adam Hantman, Gerald M. Rubin, Tom Kirchhausen, Stephan Saalfeld, Yoshinori Aso, Edward S. Boyden**, Eric Betzig** (2019) Cortical column and whole-brain imaging with molecular contrast and nanoscale resolution, Science 363(6424):eaau8302. (*, equal contribution, **, co-corresponding)

A robotic multidimensional directed evolution approach applied to fluorescent voltage reporters

Nature Chemical Biology | 2018

Piatkevich KD*, Jung EE*, Straub C, Linghu C, Park D, Suk HJ, Hochbaum DR, Goodwin D, Pnevmatikakis E, Pak N, Kawashima T, Yang CT, Rhoades JL, Shemesh O, Asano S, Yoon YG, Freifeld L, Saulnier JL, Riegler C, Engert F, Hughes T, Drobizhev M, Szabo B, Ahrens MB, Flavell SW, Sabatini BL, Boyden ES (2018) A robotic multidimensional directed evolution approach applied to fluorescent voltage reporters, Nature Chemical Biology 14(4):352-360. (*, co-first authors)

Expansion Microscopy of Zebrafish for Neuroscience and Developmental Biology Studies

Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences | 2017

Freifeld L, Odstrcil I, Förster D, Ramirez A, Gagnon JA, Randlett O, Costa EK, Asano S, Celiker OT, Gao R, Martin-Alarcon DA, Reginato P, Dick C, Chen L, Schoppik D, Engert F, Baier H, Boyden ES (2017) Expansion microscopy of zebrafish for neuroscience and developmental biology studies, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114(50):E10799-E10808.

Q&A: Expansion microscopy

BMC Biology | 2017

Gao R.*, Asano S.M.*, Boyden E.S. (2017) Q&A: Expansion microscopy, BMC Biology 15:50. (*, co-first authors)

Iterative expansion microscopy

Nature Methods | 2017

Chang, J.-B., Chen, F., Yoon, Y.-G., Jung, E. E., Babcock H., Kang J.-S., Asano S., Suk H.-J., Pak N., Tillberg P.W., Wassie A., Cai D., Boyden E.S. (2017) Iterative expansion microscopy, Nature Methods 14:593-599.

Nanoscale imaging of RNA with expansion microscopy

Nature Methods | 2016

Chen, F.*, Wassie, A.T.*, Cote, A.J., Sinha, A., Alon, S., Asano, S., Daugharthy, E.R., Chang, J.-B., Marblestone, A., Church, G.M., Raj, A., Boyden, E.S. (2016) Nanoscale Imaging of RNA with Expansion Microscopy, Nature Methods 13(8):679-84. (*, co-first authors)