Scientific Reports |
Wu J, de Paz A, Zamft BM, Marblestone AH, Boyden ES, Kording KP, Tyo KEJ (2017) DNA binding strength increases the processivity and activity of a Y-Family DNA polymerase, Scientific Reports 7(1):4756.
BMC Biology |
Gao R.*, Asano S.M.*, Boyden E.S. (2017) Q&A: Expansion microscopy, BMC Biology 15:50. (*, co-first authors)
Journal of Neural Engineering |
Caravaca AS*, Tsaava T*, Goldman L*, Silverman H, Riggott G, Chavan S, Bouton C, Tracey KJ, Desimone R**, Boyden E**, Sohal HS**, Olofsson PS** (2017) A novel flexible cuff-like microelectrode for dual purpose, acute and chronic electrical interfacing with the mouse cervical vagus nerve, Journal of Neural Engineering 14(6):066005. (*, co-first authors; **, co-last authors)
Nature Biotechnology |
Giwa S, Lewis JK, Alvarez L, Langer R, Roth AE, Church GM, Markmann JF, Sachs DH, Chandraker A, Wertheim JA, Rothblatt M, Boyden ES, Eidbo E, Lee WPA, Pomahac B, Brandacher G, Weinstock DM, Elliott G, Nelson D, Acker JP, Uygun K, Schmalz B, Weegman BP, Tocchio A, Fahy GM, Storey KB, Rubinsky B, Bischof J, Elliott JAW, Woodruff TK, Morris GJ, Demirci U, Brockbank KGM, Woods EJ, Ben RN, Baust JG, Gao D, Fuller B, Rabin Y, Kravitz DC, Taylor MJ, Toner M (2017) The promise of organ and tissue preservation to transform medicine, Nature Biotechnology 35(6):530-542.
Journal of Neurophysiology |
Stoy WA, Kolb I, Holst G, Liew YJ, Pala A, Yang B, Boyden ES, Stanley GB, Forest CR (2017) Robotic navigation to sub-cortical neural tissue for intracellular electrophysiology in vivo, Journal of Neurophysiology 118(2):1141-1150.
Optical Society of America |
Shaun Berry, Shawn Redmond, Paul Robinson, Todd Thorsen, Mordechai Rothschild, Edward S. Boyden (2017) Adaptive Fluidic Microoptics for Single Cell Optogenetics, Bio-Optics: Design and Application (BODA): Biochip and optofluidics, OSA Biophotonics Congress: Optics in the Life Sciences, San Diego, CA.
Cell |
Grossman N, Bono D, Dedic N*, Kodandaramaiah SB*, Rudenko A, Suk HJ, Cassara AM, Neufeld E, Kuster N, Tsai LH, Pascual-Leone A, Boyden ES (2017) Noninvasive Deep Brain Stimulation via Temporally Interfering Electric Fields, Cell 169(6):1029-1041. (* equal contribution)
Journal of Neurophysiology |
Annabelle C. Singer*, Giovanni Talei Franzesi*, Suhasa B. Kodandaramaiah, Francisco J. Flores, Jeremy D. Cohen, Albert K. Lee, Christoph Borgers, Craig R. Forest, Nancy J. Kopell, Edward S. Boyden (2017) Mesoscale-duration activated states gate spiking in response to fast rises in membrane voltage in the awake brain, Journal of Neurophysiology 118(2):1270-1291.
International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering |
J. Scholvin, C.G. Fonstad, E.S. Boyden (2017) Scaling models for microfabricated in vivo neural recording technologies. 8th International IEEE/EMBS Conference on Neural Engineering (NER), pp. 181-185, May 25, 2017.
ACS Nano |
Alvarez MM, Aizenberg J, Analoui M, Andrews AM, Bisker G, Boyden ES, Kamm RD, Karp JM, Mooney DJ, Oklu R, Peer D, Stolzoff M, Strano MS, Trujillo-de Santiago G, Webster TJ, Weiss PS, Khademhosseini A (2017) Emerging Trends in Micro- and Nanoscale Technologies in Medicine: From Basic Discoveries to Translation, ACS Nano 11(6):5195–5214.