Dan Goodwin

Daniel received his BS in Engineering from Harvey Mudd College, his MS in Electrical Engineering from Stanford and his PhD from MIT. He had prior industrial experience in software engineering and product design, as well as neuroscience research with Sebastian Seung at the Simons Center for Data Analysis. His interests, while in the lab, were in Big Neuroscience – helping to build scalable tools and platforms that could help scientists understand the brain from the perspective of 1 to 1,000,000,000 neurons. He then went on to co-found a nonprofit developing the social, intellectual, and funding infrastructure needed for climate biotech to become as productive as more mature fields such as medical biotech and machine learning.


A multi-modal single-cell and spatial expression map of metastatic breast cancer biopsies across clinicopathological features

Nature Medicine | 2024

Klughammer J, Abravanel DL, Segerstolpe Å, Blosser TR, Goltsev Y, Cui Y, Goodwin DR, Sinha A, Ashenberg O, Slyper M, Vigneau S, Jané-Valbuena J, Alon S, Caraccio C, Chen J, Cohen O, Cullen N, DelloStritto LK, Dionne D, Files J, Frangieh A, Helvie K, Hughes ME, Inga S, Kanodia A, Lako A, MacKichan C, Mages S, Moriel N, Murray E, Napolitano S, Nguyen K, Nitzan M, Ortiz R, Patel M, Pfaff KL, Porter CBM, Rotem A, Strauss S, Strasser R, Thorner AR, Turner M, Wakiro I, Waldman J, Wu J, Gómez Tejeda Zañudo J, Zhang D, Lin NU, Tolaney SM, Winer EP, Boyden ES, Chen F, Nolan GP, Rodig SJ, Zhuang X, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Johnson BE, Regev A, Wagle N (2024) A multi-modal single-cell and spatial expression map of metastatic breast cancer biopsies across clinicopathological features, Nature Medicine 30(11):3236-3249.

Imaging and Molecular Annotation of Xenographs and Tumours (IMAXT): High throughput data and analysis infrastructure

Biological Imaging | 2023

González-Solares EA, Dariush A, González-Fernández C, Küpcü Yoldaş A, Molaeinezhad A, Al Sa'd M, Smith L, Whitmarsh T, Millar N, Chornay N, Falciatori I, Fatemi A, Goodwin D, Kuett L, Mulvey CM, Páez Ribes M, Qosaj F, Roth A, Vázquez-García I, Watson SS, Windhager J, Aparicio S, Bodenmiller B, Boyden E, Caldas C, Harris O, Shah SP, Tavaré S; CRUK IMAXT Grand Challenge Team; Bressan D, Hannon GJ, Walton NA (2024) Imaging and Molecular Annotation of Xenographs and Tumours (IMAXT): High throughput data and analysis infrastructure, Biological Imaging 14:3:e11.

Geochemical Negative Emissions Technologies: Part II. Roadmap

Frontiers in Climate | 2022

Cara N. Maesano, James S. Campbell, Spyros Foteinis, Veronica Furey, Olivia Hawrot, Daniel Pike, Silvan Aeschlimann, Paul L. Reginato, Daniel R. Goodwin, Loren L. Looger, Edward S. Boyden, Phil Renforth (2022) Geochemical Negative Emissions Technologies: Part II. Roadmap, Frontiers in Climate 4:945332.

Geochemical Negative Emissions Technologies: Part I. Review

Frontiers in Climate | 2022

James S. Campbell, Spyros Foteinis, Veronica Furey, Olivia Hawrot, Daniel Pike, Silvan Aeschlimann, Cara N. Maesano, Paul L. Reginato, Daniel R. Goodwin, Loren L. Looger, Edward S. Boyden, Phil Renforth (2022) Geochemical Negative Emissions Technologies: Part I. Review 4:879133.

Barcoded oligonucleotides ligated on RNA amplified for multiplexed and parallel in situ analyses

Nucleic Acids Research | 2021

Liu S, Punthambaker S, Iyer EPR, Ferrante T, Goodwin D, Fürth D, Pawlowski AC, Jindal K, Tam JM, Mifflin L, Alon S, Sinha A, Wassie AT, Chen F, Cheng A, Willocq V, Meyer K, Ling KH, Camplisson CK, Kohman RE, Aach J, Lee JH, Yankner BA, Boyden ES, Church GM (2021) Barcoded oligonucleotides ligated on RNA amplified for multiplexed and parallel in situ analyses, Nucleic Acids Research 49(10):e58.

Expansion Sequencing: Spatially Precise In Situ Transcriptomics in Intact Biological Systems

Science | 2021

Alon S*, Goodwin DR*, Sinha A*, Wassie AT*, Chen F*, Daugharthy ER**, Bando Y, Kajita A, Xue AG, Marrett K, Prior R, Cui Y, Payne AC, Yao CC, Suk HJ, Wang R, Yu CJ, Tillberg P, Reginato P, Pak N, Liu S, Punthambaker S, Iyer EPR, Kohman RE, Miller JA, Lein ES, Lako A, Cullen N, Rodig S, Helvie K, Abravanel DL, Wagle N, Johnson BE, Klughammer J, Slyper M, Waldman J, Jané-Valbuena J, Rozenblatt-Rosen O, Regev A; IMAXT Consortium, Church GM***+, Marblestone AH***, Boyden ES***+ (2021) Expansion Sequencing: Spatially Precise In Situ Transcriptomics in Intact Biological Systems, Science 371(6528):eaax2656. (* equal contribution, ** key contributions to early stages of project, *** equal contribution, +co-corresponding authors)

Precision Calcium Imaging of Dense Neural Populations via a Cell-Body-Targeted Calcium Indicator

Neuron | 2020

Shemesh OA*, Linghu C*, Piatkevich KD*, Goodwin D, Celiker OT, Gritton HJ, Romano MF, Gao R, Yu CJ, Tseng HA, Bensussen S, Narayan S, Yang CT, Freifeld L, Siciliano CA, Gupta I, Wang J, Pak N, Yoon YG, Ullmann JFP, Guner-Ataman B, Noamany H, Sheinkopf ZR, Park WM, Asano S, Keating AE, Trimmer JS, Reimer J, Tolias AS, Bear MF, Tye KM, Han X, Ahrens MB, Boyden ES (2020) Precision Calcium Imaging of Dense Neural Populations via a Cell-Body-Targeted Calcium Indicator, Neuron 107(3):470-486. (*, equal contribution)

A robotic multidimensional directed evolution approach applied to fluorescent voltage reporters

Nature Chemical Biology | 2018

Piatkevich KD*, Jung EE*, Straub C, Linghu C, Park D, Suk HJ, Hochbaum DR, Goodwin D, Pnevmatikakis E, Pak N, Kawashima T, Yang CT, Rhoades JL, Shemesh O, Asano S, Yoon YG, Freifeld L, Saulnier JL, Riegler C, Engert F, Hughes T, Drobizhev M, Szabo B, Ahrens MB, Flavell SW, Sabatini BL, Boyden ES (2018) A robotic multidimensional directed evolution approach applied to fluorescent voltage reporters, Nature Chemical Biology 14(4):352-360. (*, co-first authors)