Versatile, but Manually-Assembled, Optical Fiber/Laser System for In Vivo (Multicolor) Light Delivery for Brain Neuromodulation

Synthetic Neurobiology Memo #1 (2006) Versatile, but Manually-Assembled, Optical Fiber/Laser System for In Vivo (Multicolor) Light Delivery for Brain Neuromodulation. Online.

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This white paper gives a parts list and step-by-step instructions for building an inexpensive and powerful laser-coupled-fiber system for in vivo use. Please note, part numbers for products are liable to change at any time; contact the manufacturer for updates, and please notify the authors of this white paper as well. Feedback always welcome! NOTE: Unless you are an expert at optics (and even if you are) we highly recommend that you use, or at least first consider, the alternative protocol, “Very Simple Off-The-Shelf Laser and Viral Injector Systems for In Vivo Optical Neuromodulation.”