The best of times, the worst of times for psychiatric disease

Karayiorgou M., Flint J., Gogos J.A., Malenka R.C.; the Genetic and Neural Complexity in Psychiatry 2011 Working Group (Bargmann C.I., Boyden E.S., Bullmore E.T., Chan A.W., Davis M., Deisseroth K., Dolmetch R.E., Eggan K., Fears S.C., Freimer N.B., Geschwind D.H., Gordon J., Nickerson D.A., Vanderhaeghen P., Axel R., Zuker C.S., Fischbach G.) (2012) The best of times, the worst of times for psychiatric disease, Nature Neuroscience 15(6):811-812.

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As long-awaited advances in psychiatric genetics begin to materialize in force, promising to steer us safely to the best of times in psychiatric disease research, many pharmaceutical companies pull away from the challenge of drug development, threatening to bring us to the worst of times for the field. There is a real danger of missed opportunities and a sense of urgency for defining a clear path forward.


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