Emerging Trends in Micro- and Nanoscale Technologies in Medicine: From Basic Discoveries to Translation

Alvarez MM, Aizenberg J, Analoui M, Andrews AM, Bisker G, Boyden ES, Kamm RD, Karp JM, Mooney DJ, Oklu R, Peer D, Stolzoff M, Strano MS, Trujillo-de Santiago G, Webster TJ, Weiss PS, Khademhosseini A (2017) Emerging Trends in Micro- and Nanoscale Technologies in Medicine: From Basic Discoveries to Translation, ACS Nano 11(6):5195–5214.

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We discuss the state of the art and innovative micro- and nanoscale technologies that are finding niches and opening up new opportunities in medicine, particularly in diagnostic and therapeutic applications. We take the design of point-of-care applications and the capture of circulating tumor cells as illustrative examples of the integration of micro- and nanotechnologies into solutions of diagnostic challenges. We describe several novel nanotechnologies that enable imaging cellular structures and molecular events. In therapeutics, we describe the utilization of micro- and nanotechnologies in applications including drug delivery, tissue engineering, and pharmaceutical development/testing. In addition, we discuss relevant challenges that micro- and nanotechnologies face in achieving cost-effective and widespread clinical implementation as well as forecasted applications of micro- and nanotechnologies in medicine.


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