Changyang Linghu
Changyang completed his PhD in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at MIT, and then continued his work on multiplexed imaging of cellular processes as a postdoctoral scholar. Changyang received his Bachelor’s degree in Electrical Engineering from Tsinghua University before coming to MIT. After finishing his work at MIT, he went on to a tenure-track assistant professor position at U Michigan.
Real-time Neuron Segmentation for Voltage Imaging
2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM) | 2023Bando, Yosuke, Ramdas Pillai, Atsushi Kajita, Farhan Abdul Hakeem, Yves Quemener, Hua-An Tseng, Kiryl D. Piatkevich, Changyang Linghu, Xue Han, and Edward S. Boyden (2023) Real-time Neuron Segmentation for Voltage Imaging, In 2023 IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedicine (BIBM), pp. 813-818.
Recording of cellular physiological histories along optically readable self-assembling protein chains
Nature Biotechnology | 2023Linghu C, An B, Shpokayte M, Celiker OT, Shmoel N, Zhang R, Zhang C, Park D, Park WM, Ramirez S, Boyden ES (2023) Recording of cellular physiological histories along optically readable self-assembling protein chains, Nature Biotechnology 41(5):640-651.
Spatial multiplexing of fluorescent reporters for imaging signaling network dynamics
Cell | 2020Changyang Linghu*, Shannon L. Johnson*, Pablo A. Valdes, Or A. Shemesh, Won Min Park, Demian Park, Kiryl D. Piatkevich, Asmamaw T. Wassie, Yixi Liu, Bobae An, Stephanie A. Barnes, Orhan T. Celiker, Chun-Chen Yao, Chih-Chieh (Jay) Yu, Ru Wang, Katarzyna P. Adamala, Mark F. Bear, Amy E. Keating and Edward S. Boyden (2020) Spatial multiplexing of fluorescent reporters for imaging signaling network dynamics, Cell 183(6):1682-1698. (*, equal contribution)
Precision Calcium Imaging of Dense Neural Populations via a Cell-Body-Targeted Calcium Indicator
Neuron | 2020Shemesh OA*, Linghu C*, Piatkevich KD*, Goodwin D, Celiker OT, Gritton HJ, Romano MF, Gao R, Yu CJ, Tseng HA, Bensussen S, Narayan S, Yang CT, Freifeld L, Siciliano CA, Gupta I, Wang J, Pak N, Yoon YG, Ullmann JFP, Guner-Ataman B, Noamany H, Sheinkopf ZR, Park WM, Asano S, Keating AE, Trimmer JS, Reimer J, Tolias AS, Bear MF, Tye KM, Han X, Ahrens MB, Boyden ES (2020) Precision Calcium Imaging of Dense Neural Populations via a Cell-Body-Targeted Calcium Indicator, Neuron 107(3):470-486. (*, equal contribution)
A robotic multidimensional directed evolution approach applied to fluorescent voltage reporters
Nature Chemical Biology | 2018Piatkevich KD*, Jung EE*, Straub C, Linghu C, Park D, Suk HJ, Hochbaum DR, Goodwin D, Pnevmatikakis E, Pak N, Kawashima T, Yang CT, Rhoades JL, Shemesh O, Asano S, Yoon YG, Freifeld L, Saulnier JL, Riegler C, Engert F, Hughes T, Drobizhev M, Szabo B, Ahrens MB, Flavell SW, Sabatini BL, Boyden ES (2018) A robotic multidimensional directed evolution approach applied to fluorescent voltage reporters, Nature Chemical Biology 14(4):352-360. (*, co-first authors)
Temporally precise single-cell resolution optogenetics
Nature Neuroscience | 2017Or A. Shemesh*, Dimitrii Tanese*, Valeria Zampini*, Changyang Linghu, Kiryl Piatkevich, Emiliano Ronzitti, Eirini Papagiakoumou, Edward S. Boyden+ and Valentina Emiliani+ (2017) Temporally precise single-cell resolution optogenetics, Nature Neuroscience 20:1796–1806. (*, co-first authors; +, co-corresponding authors)